Vincent La


A collection of projects that I have worked on.


CSV for C++

A modern C++ CSV library with an intuitive API capable of parsing at over 200MB/s

C++ Travis CI, codecov, Catch, Valgrind

Experiencer: Resume Builder


A flexible HTML resume generator supporting multiple column layouts, and a powerful CSS editor

TypeScript, SASS ReactJS, Webpack, Jest

Dots and Lines: An Exploration of Graph Drawing Algorithms


My UCSB math senior thesis exploring different graph drawing algorithms

C++ LaTeX SVG SNAP, GNU Linear Programming Kit

US Commute Times Map


A visualization of how much time people across America spend sitting in traffic

JavaScript PostgreSQL leaflet.js, d3.js

Laundry List

SQLite for C++

A memory-safe C++ wrapper for SQLite

C++ Travis CI, Catch

SVG for C++

A library for building scalable vector graphics in C++

C++ Travis CI, codecov